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Larry Wheels is too small?

Is Larry Wheels Too Short for Strongman? At 6’1 and a ripped 270lbs, Larry Wheels is considered to quite undersized for the Strongman or...

The Floor Press

It is impossible to go into a gym and not see the bench press being used. Outside of curls, the bench press is the most popular free...

Benefits of Pre Workout Supplements

There are several benefits when it comes to supplementing with a pre workout. There are individual ingredients that enhance everything...

High Repetitions vs Low Repetitions

The theory behind this is that high reps cause you to burn fat and make a muscle more “toned”. While low reps will help you build muscle...

5 benefits of doing deadlifts

Functional Training

Whether it’s at the gym or at work, one of the main questions that I am ask is “how much can you bench”. My honest answer is that really...

Top Five Creatine Supplements


When I joined my first gym years ago, I was excited like a kid on Christmas. Do want to know what exited me? Those beautiful machines. ...

Articles: Blog2
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