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  • tmille368

40 day Vegan/Intermittent Detox Challenge

After competing in bodybuilding and training hard as hell, along with the heavy food and supplementation my body has been through hell.  I’m now at the point where I feel as if nothing is working when it comes to making progress in training.

So decided that if I keep doing the same things over and over again.  Then I should probably be prepared to get the same results.  Right?

My Answer:

Starting over from scratch.  I decided to do a 40 day natural cleanse.  This cleanse will consist of just eating fruits and vegetables along with just drinking water.  My theory is that maybe if I deplete everything, then when time to add certain things back into my training and diet regimen.

I’m also a fan of intermittent fasting, and I love to challenge myself. So what the hell, let’s combine them.  My intermittent vegan detox challenge.

Go through the journey with me.  Let’s see what type of results we get.

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