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  • tmille368

Fit Tip of the Day

One of the main excuses of why most people don’t workout is time.  Even though that isn’t a good excuse, we should all find time to take care of our bodies.  Before I start preaching let me show you an example of how I am able to have fast workouts.  Not just fast workouts but they are also quality workouts.


Super sets:

Super sets are doing two exercises back to back.  This is counted as one set.

Tri/Giant sets:

Tri/Giant sets are the same as supersets.  The difference is instead 2 exercises you’ll do 3 exercise.

tri sets

Combining 3 exercises into 1:

For instance, when performing squats try 10 conventional squads, separate your legs and perform 10 sumo squats.  This will allow you to put emphasis on your quadriceps(conventional squats)and then you’ll put just as much emphasis on your hamstrings and glutes(sumo squats).

These tips will also allow you to increase your endurance while also burning more calories.

burn calories
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