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  • tmille368

Functional Training

Whether it’s at the gym or at work, one of the main questions that I am ask is “how much can you bench”. My honest answer is that really have no idea. I haven’t maxed out in the bench press since 2005(455 lbs). I guess I don’t know because I don’t have any reason to even attempt a one rep max. It’s pointless to even try. The only things that come of it is an ego boost and/or injury. To be completely honest a one rep max in the three major lifts(bench press, squat and dead lifts) don’t necessarily determine your true strength. What I am saying that gym lifts don’t always transfer to real life daily activities out side of the gym.

Functional training training are movements that gives you the type of strength that actualy transfer to real life. This is the kind of strength that allows you move furniture, lift heavy suitcases into an overhead bin, or even have the ability to pick up your child. In essence, it improves your coordination, balance, force, power, and endurance. It also helps enhance your ability to perform normal daily activities. In addition to being a big part of Cross Fit programs, functional fitness is often used in clinical programs to help with rehabilitation and independent living for older adults. Squats. The bodyweight squat is one of the very best exercises you can do for the lower body, working the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves. …Lunges. …Push Ups. …Pull Ups. …Rotations.

These are a few examples of functional exercises:

squats, lunges, pull ups, push ups planks

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