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  • tmille368

Top 7 Weight Loss Mistakes

1. Unrealistic Expectations.

It’s good to be motivated to lose weight and live a healthy life style.

With that motivation many of us said our immediate goal too high.

When goals are set too high, it leaves room to get discouraged and people end up quitting. The key is to set small goals. For example, instead shooting for losing 20 pounds a month try 1 to 2 pounds a week. Unrealistic expectations will cause you to become frustrated, which will lead to you giving up.

2. Not working out enough or too much

Muscle can be lost along with fat when trying to lose weight.

If you choose not to work out, most likely a majority of weight that you loose will come from your muscle. Exercising actually helps decrease the amount of muscle mass that you lose. It also helps increase the amount of fat that is lost. It will also increase or maintain your metabolism from. The more lean mass you have, the easier it is to lose weight and keep it off.

On the other hand, exercising too much can also cause problems

Excessive exercise is unsustainable in the long term for most people. In many cases this leads to stress. Excessive exercising can also damage the production of your adrenal hormones which regulate stress response.

Trying to over train to burn more calories doesn’t and is unhealthy.

However, lifting weights and doing cardio several times per week is a realistic plan for maintaining metabolic rate while losing weight.

3. Worrying too much about the numbers on the scale.

It’s normal to want to see a drastic drop in the numbers on the scale.

Those numbers only focus on weight change. The scale isn’t always a reliable tool be your numbers can be influenced by many things, such as water weight and how much food is remaining in your system from the past day.

Studies have proven that your weight can fluctuate by up to 4 to 5 lbs in one day.

If the numbers on the scale are not dropping, this doesn’t mean that you are not making any progress. Your body may still be losing fat mass but holding on to water.

Just remember that if you’ve been working out, you may be gaining muscle and losing fat.

When this happens, your clothes may start to fit loosely — especially around the waist — despite a stable scale weight.

Measuring your along with taking monthly pictures of yourself will allow you to actually see your fat loss progress.

4. Not eating enough or eating too much

Burning more calories than you take in is a requirement to lose weight.

Many of us tend to go by feel. You may feel that you’re not eating that many calories. But the truth of the matter that most of us tend to underestimate the amount of calories that we actually take in. There is actually a such thing as eating too many healthy foods. It’s simple, calories are calories. It doesn’t matter if it’s a “healthy” source or not.

On the other hand, decreasing your calorie intake too much can be counterproductive.

Studies on very low-calorie diets providing less than 1,000 calories per day show they can lead to muscle loss and significantly slow down metabolism.

Bottom Line: Consuming too many calories can stop you from losing weight. On the other hand, too few calories can make you ravenously hungry and reduce your metabolism and muscle mass.

5. No Weights or Resistance Work

Resistance exercises are important during weight loss.

Lifting weights are the most effective way to gain and maintain muscle. It also improves overall body composition and boosts belly fat loss.

In fact, a review of 15 studies with more than 700 people found the best strategy of all for weight loss appears to be combined aerobic exercise and weightlifting. Weightlifting or resistance training can help boost metabolic rate, increase muscle mass and promote fat loss, including belly fat.

6. Food Choices

Food that are low in fat and/or processed are normally seen as good choices when it comes weight loss. Most people don’t realize that these choices actually have the opposite effect. These type of foods are normally high in sugar, because it helps improve the taste.

Instead of keeping you full, low-fat foods will most likely increase your hunger, so you end up eating much more than you planned. Fat-free or “diet” foods are typically high in

7. Tracking Food

I always suggest to people trying to lose weight, that in the beginning to just start by eating healthy and nutritious food. This is a good and realistic way for a novice to start their fitness journey. This is only to start off. Eventually you’ll have to account the calories and carbohydrates that you are consuming. Even though eating nutritious foods is a good way to lose weight. Many healthy foods are still filled with carbs and sugars that may prevent you from losing weight. You also may not be getting the right amount of protein, fiber, carbs and fat to support your weight loss efforts. Tracking what you eat can help you get an accurate picture of your calorie and nutrient consumption. There are online tracking sites or apps that help you keep a count of your calories, carbs, etc.

If you’re not tracking what you eat, you may be consuming more calories and carbs than you need.

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